EDGAR PACKS FOR GRIZZLYMAN https://grizzlyman.cz/wp-content/themes/corpus/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 GRIZZLYMAN 2024 https://grizzlyman.cz/wp-content/themes/corpus/images/empty/thumbnail.jpgEDGAR PACKS FOR GRIZZLYMAN

As in previous years, you can pre-order a nutrition package tailor-made for the GRIZZLYMAN race. This year we have also joined forces with EDGAR!
You will be able to order in the registration form and later also in the change form.
The package will be ready for pick up at the race start/race accreditation.
Composition of the package:
- 1x powerdrink mango 100g
- 5x powergel
- 3 x energybar (coconut, banana bread, berries)
- 2x magnesium shot